Team Hardcore
Team Hardcore (as our members have named us) have over 50 years of combined exercise experience that is priceless & permanently available to all members of HARDCORE GYM.
Team Hardcore have positioned themselves at the forefront of the endless battle against self imposed physical weakness. Physical weakness induced by inactivity & bad eating habits that are constantly bombarding our daily lives.
The EPIC 24/7 Hardcore Gym you see today was the outcome of many years of planning that began well over 25 years ago.
The visualisation of this ULTIMATE strength, conditioning & self defence battleground began in a humble 3m X 3m tin garden shed that was the first 24/7 Hardcore Gym. This tin shed was situated in the back yard of our family home & was used for strength training any time of the day or night.
Midnight workouts were our passion. Our passion is now in the hands of our friends & guests.
Hicham Hammoud:
Certifications in fitness combined with over 33 years of practical HARDCORE exercise experience & 25 years of Hardcore Gym management, Hicham is certainly one of the countries more dedicated fitness professionals.
Hicham is undoubtedly a key element to TEAM HARDCORE & a priceless asset to Hardcore Gyms' members.
Ali Hammoud:
Certifications in fitness combined with 27 years of practical HARDCORE exercise experience & 25 years of Hardcore Gym management, Ali is a well established fitness professional.
Ali is indeed an advantage to have as a gold member of TEAM HARDCORE & an advanced credit to Hardcore Gyms' members.